2021 Year-End Giving Information is included for your easy reference
Dear university colleague:
As we approach Thanksgiving, there are many things to be grateful for in our university community. Let me start by thanking you for your partnership in all that we have achieved in advancing Oregon State University’s mission so far this fiscal year.
My goal is to continue to keep you apprised of the Foundation’s fundraising and engagement activities throughout the year; here’s a snapshot of just a few of the exciting things we’ve been working on since I wrote to you in August. For your reference, these updates are also stored on our new website.
Advancing our mission: By the numbers
Fundraising: As of Oct. 31, donors had given $44.84 million, or about 35% of our baseline fundraising goal of $128 million for FY22 and up about $11 million when compared to the same time in FY21.
Endowment: The most recent endowment market value, as of Sept. 31, 2021, was more than $829 million – an all-time high. As a reminder, the market value of the endowment was less than $600 million on June 30, 2018.
Engagement: We engaged nearly 7,000 unique participants toward our goal of 30,000. Our alumni, parents and friends have shown up for home and away games, and we’ve continued to see growth in virtual events, from the Provost’s Lecture Series to the Black and Orange Awards and the President’s Dinner.
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Congratulations and thanks to Eric Schoenstein, College of Business, ’88, for leading his first full board meeting as chair of the OSU Foundation Board of Trustees.
Recapping our joint fall board meetings
Last month, it was wonderful to welcome the OSU Foundation Board of Trustees and the OSU Alumni Association Board of Directors back to campus at the CH2M HILL Alumni Center in our first truly multi-access board meeting.
Highlights from the fall meetings include:
- Welcoming new members to both boards
- Reviewing our FY21 success and sharing our Vital Few Goals for FY22 (see below)
- Engaging in generative discussions with Pentagram Design, our branding partner for the campaign, and about OSU’s Corvallis Campus Vision.
- And gaining approval of our audit and recognition support agreement (our “MOU”) with the university.
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Vital Few Goals FY22
The Foundation is committed to setting clear but ambitious goals each year, all designed to advance the strategic goals of the university. This culture of planning is essential to our success.
These are the Foundation's high-level goals for the year; each goal has subgoals with staff leads.
- FUNDRAISING: Raise $128 million – $157 million.
- ENGAGEMENT: Partner with university leaders and colleagues to engage 30,000 – 35,000 unique participants and 4,000 – 5,000 unique volunteers to advance the university’s priority outcomes in educational and student success; diversity, equity and inclusion; and advocacy.
- CAMPAIGN: Advance the campaign’s silent phase plan in preparation for a public launch in FY23.
- TECHNOLOGY: Align and optimize our technology and data, allowing us to create better experiences for our alumni and donors, improve organizational efficiency and make greater use of insights.
- OPERATIONS: Create a post-pandemic work environment that supports a productive, efficient and engaged workforce and optimizes resources to achieve the Foundation’s and the university’s goals.
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Alumni emcees Lamar Hurd, College of Liberal Arts, '06, an OSU Trustee who works for Trail Blazers Broadcasting, and Cathy Marshall, College of Liberal Arts, '82, of KGW Television (pictured) led the President’s Dinner program.
Fall events: A season of celebrations
Thank you to those of you who participated in our events this fall, and to Interim President Becky Johnson who has hosted many of them at the President’s Residence; these include a new tradition, the President’s Tailgaters, which have proceeded all home games this football season, and the OSU Loyal Reception that honored faculty and staff donors to the university (pictured at the bottom of this email).
Additionally, OSU supporters came together to celebrate the impact of philanthropy at the 2021 OSU President’s Dinner. We were excited to welcome guests both at the Portland Art Museum as well as virtually at this truly multi-access event. A video of the program is available. The highlight: thanking 25 households and organizations for their lifetime commitments of $1 million or more and welcoming them into the Harris Society – the most new members we’ve ever had in one year (view the list of honorees). We are grateful to our donors and to all who joined us to celebrate their impact on Oregon State University.
And if you missed the Black and Orange Awards, you can still learn about the incredible OSU alumni and friends who were recognized. Watch the videos from the event.
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The Provost's Faculty Match will help the university grow our number of endowed faculty position funds (currently at 157). Pictured here is Daniel M. Palacios, who holds an endowed faculty position in Whale Habitats.
Provost’s Faculty Match and OSU Scholarship Match
We are grateful to Provost Ed Feser for partnering with us on the Provost’s Faculty Match program, which offers donors an incentive to support outstanding faculty, today and for generations to come. Eight donors have responded to the opportunity, and we look forward to working with all of you on inspiring donors to support faculty excellence. Contact Marlys Amundson for more information.
Similarly, in partnership with the Office of Enrollment Management, we launched the OSU Scholarship Match program to create new endowed scholarship funds ($50,000 minimum gift, payable over five years) that will immediately benefit students. So far, 38 donors have stepped forward with gifts totaling $2.2 million. Contact Denise Harrison for more information.
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The OSU community is joining together once again for Beavers Fight Hunger, an annual effort that supports Oregon State students facing food insecurity.
Cause-focused fundraising initiatives
The Foundation has advanced a number of cause-related fundraising initiatives over the last two years. The reason? The university is doing important work, and we want to provide donors an opportunity to join in.
- We will again focus on student food insecurity for our participation in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving on Nov. 30. Donors have given over $1 million to our Beavers Fight Hunger initiative since it launched two years ago.
- Additionally, our most recent initiative for veteran and military-connected student success aims to inspire at least $100,000 in gifts this fiscal year; we’re very close to achieving our goal.
Thank you to those of you who have helped promote these important initiatives.
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The Arts and Education Complex will bring together music, theater, digital communications and the visual arts to create a campus and community centerpiece.
Launch of seat sale for the Arts and Education Complex
Thanks to our generous donors, the OSU Arts and Education Complex is set to open in the 2022-2023 academic year. Within it, the Lynne Hallstrom Detrick Recital Hall will be an exceptional venue, an inspiring classroom and a community gathering place. Thanks to the hall’s superior acoustics, every seat will provide an optimal experience for patrons. And now, donors can make their mark on the future or celebrate someone special with an engraved plaque on one or more of these seats. Visit the giving page for more information, and contact Lyndie Mendoza-Markum with questions.
Important end-of-year giving information
As this year comes to a close, please be aware of our year-end deadlines to ensure that last-minute gifts can be receipted as 2021 contributions for tax purposes.
- Gifts may be hand-delivered or phoned in (800-354-7281) to the OSU Foundation Corvallis office until 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Dec. 31. (Please note that our office is open but with limited staff onsite due to Friday, Dec. 31, being a holiday)
- If gifts are mailed, they must be postmarked by Dec. 31 (if you receive a gift from a donor in the mail, please save the envelope for gift accounting). All gifts postmarked in 2021 will be receipted as 2021 donations for donor tax purposes.
- Online gifts may be submitted via credit card until 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Dec. 31, but please remember that the legal date of the gift for a credit card donation is the date the bank authorizes the charge.
- Securities received by the OSU Foundation’s brokerage account by Dec. 31 will be eligible for a 2021 tax deduction. Note that securities transfers should be initiated at least a week in advance of year-end. Contact Kevin Harvey with questions.
- Donors wishing to take advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover provision for 2021 must ensure the funds are transferred and received by the OSU Foundation by Dec. 31. Contact Darla Meyers with questions.
These deadlines are also available on the 2021 Year-End Giving page.
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As Becky and I mentioned at the OSU Loyal Reception, we are immensely grateful to you — OSU faculty and staff who have helped establish a culture of philanthropy in our community.
Thank You
I am grateful for all the ways you support OSU. I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge how eager we are to host bowl game activities. We look forward to partnering with OSU Athletics and all of you to cheer on our student-athletes and engage our alumni, donors and friends in the festivities. Stay tuned for more details, which we will share as soon as they are announced.
Please reach out to me if you have questions. Thank you!
Shawn L. Scoville President and CEO