As we begin the last quarter of the fiscal year, the OSU Foundation is laser-focused on achieving our goals in support of the university by June 30. In addition to the highlights below, we are also working on selecting new members of the OSU Foundation and OSU Alumni Association boards, as well as honoring our volunteer leaders who are completing their service or going on sabbatical. We have also kickstarted our annual planning for next fiscal year.
In all that we do, we are grateful for your partnership. Thank you!
Partnering with the University to Meet the Needs of Our Community
We are proud of the ways that we have been able to partner with the university to meet the needs of our community, particularly during the last 12 months.
- Donors have given $29 million to scholarships and student success efforts this fiscal year to date. Our goal following the conclusion of the $150 million Student Success Initiative last summer was to sustain a new level of student support — at least $30 million annually. We are confident we will reach that goal this year, which is outstanding, especially as need continues to be great among our students. We are now raising 67% more annually for students than we were during 2010-2014, including 58% more for scholarship and fellowship funds. This is something to be proud of — THANK YOU!
- In other exciting news, our focused fundraising efforts for diversity, equity and inclusion are continuing to yield results. At mid-year, donors had given more in annual gifts for the featured DEI funds than they did during the entire previous year. As importantly, through our broad promotion (such as emails that went to 90,000 addresses), alumni, parents and friends are more aware of the ways the university is working to ensure success for all students, faculty and staff and how they can support these efforts with their giving.
- And as the university unfolds its plans for advancing its resources for sexual and interpersonal violence prevention, support and response, we anticipate there will be many ways for us to work together to inspire philanthropy and engagement. In the meantime, donors can give online to the Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center (SARC), and this fund will also be featured as part of Dam Proud Day (see below).
Dam Proud Day on April 28
Dam Proud Day, OSU's day of giving and connecting, will take place on April 28. This virtual event provides an opportunity to highlight the many university programs that have a positive impact on our students, university community and beyond. It is also an opportunity to educate our community about the impact of philanthropy across OSU and express gratitude to our donors and community. More than 70 projects and causes will be highlighted across the colleges, Student Affairs, Athletics, Extension and more. About 80% of all Dam Proud Day giving opportunities directly impact students, many of whom are still struggling due to the pandemic. The Dean of Students Emergency Fund will be prominently featured, and we hope you will consider making a gift to it or any of the OSU programs or projects you wish to support. Dam Proud Day will also provide opportunities to engage with fellow Beavers in a time when many people are seeking community, including a TikTok challenge and virtual photo booth.
We appreciate your partnership in promoting this important day that showcases the incredible work your colleges and units are doing to create a better world. Our messaging, graphics and talking points provide flexibility and support for promotion. Assets include Beavs Give graphics in addition to Dam Proud Day graphics, and we encourage our colleagues to use this day to celebrate the accomplishments of specific people, programs and projects. Let's make it personal, not institutional. If you have questions about messaging, please reach out to Laura.Pizzo@osufoundation.org. Questions about Dam Proud Day in general can be directed to Emily.Jones@osufoundation.org.
OSU vs. UO 2021 Advocacy Challenge
For the first time ever, our Oregon State University Beaver Caucus is partnering with the University of Oregon legislative advocates in a friendly competition to urge the state legislature to make more investments in public universities, financial aid and student basic needs.
Please join us in encouraging OSU students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends to participate in the OSU vs. UO 2021 Advocacy Challenge. Participation is quick and easy. For each of the six actions taken (listed below), OSU will earn a point. The more actions taken, the more points OSU earns. Let’s BEAT the DUCKS! We’re ahead for now and want to hold on to our lead through the conclusion of the challenge on April 16. If you have questions, please contact Andy Foster at Andrew.Foster@osufoundation.org.
Actions include:
- Becoming a Beaver Caucus advocate
- Posting on social media, tagging the Beaver Caucus and following us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
- Contacting your legislator using the Beaver Caucus' easy email templates or your own language
- Attending a Town Hall
- Signing up for OSU's Advocacy Days
- Attending our advocacy happy hour on May 4
In Other News…
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, April 14: Presented in partnership with the OSU Foundation, the final lecture of this year’s virtual Provost’s Lecture Series features Ibram X. Kendi, National Book Award Winner, historian and leading anti-racist voice in America. Register now.
- Monday, April 19: Knowledge Breaks - The Art of Resilience: The Science of Songbirds
- Thursday, April 29: Stone Award for Literary Achievement Lecture with Lynda Barry.
- Wednesday, May 5: Mark your calendars for the Office of the Provost’s annual Faculty Excellence event, which the OSU Foundation is honored to support. In addition to celebrating OSU’s 2021 University Distinguished Professor recipients Julia Jones and Richard Settersten, we will celebrate the faculty named to endowed faculty positions over the last year. Look for an evite to the Faculty Excellence event soon, which takes place before the first University Distinguished Professor lecture on May 5. Register now for both lectures on May 5 and 6.
- View all Foundation and Alumni Association events
Thank You
Thank you again for your partnership as we work together to further OSU’s mission.

Shawn L. Scoville President & CEO OSU Foundation